Consulting with Dr. Stark

Dr. Stark is happy to chat with other academics, students, or companies about the following:

  • Integrating perspectives of people with language and communication disorders into research or business products

  • Designing accessible virtual and remote research studies

  • Grantsmanship and scientific manuscript preparation

  • Study design and methodology in the language sciences or for cognitive neuroscience

  • Recruitment of clinical populations with acquired language and communication disorders

She works on a sliding fee and negotiable scale:

  • Emailing ideas with any party: 3 emails, totally free

  • Students: free 30 minute Zoom chat or 3 emails

  • Including Dr. Stark on a grant: $200/hr consulting fee (negotiable)

  • Businesses: free 30 minute Zoom chat or 3 emails, then $200/hr for follow-up conversations


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